Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I'm starting my own business - where can I access support?
There are many ways to access support when starting your own business in the Millicent district. Let's break it down into financial, political, legal and social support.
For financial support, we recommend looking into the many grants on offer from Business SA, Business Australia, and GrantConnect. The MBCA can offer some one-off financial support in certain circumstances, and we have accounting services listed in our Business Directory.
Politically, Millicent is in the Wattle Range Council district, and your business will need to abide by their local government laws. This is something to keep in mind when thinking about zoning, health and safety, etc. The Limestone Coast Local Government Association is also a useful source of information if you need advice on which council laws might affect you.
We are in the state seat of MacKillop, and our local member is Nick McBride MP.
Federally, we are the seat of Barker, and our local member is Tony Pasin MP.
Both our state and federal members of parliament are heavily involved in their regional communities, and their offices are always open to queries from their constituents.
Legally, we have a number of law services in Millicent and surrounding towns. Business Australia is a recommended source of information, and for primary industries, PIRSA (Department of Primary Industries and Regions) has explainers on multiple chemical and biosecurity laws. As Millicent is based in South Australia, we also recommend the Small Business Commissioner, and Consumer and Business Services (CBS) SA.
Socially, the MBCA is always looking for new members, but we also frequently host guest speakers at our meetings. These guest speakers are often leaders in their field and can help you extend your professional networks. Social events such as the Outstanding Business Awards and Business at Sunset nights involve networking as well.
Other organisations which host professional events include Business SA, and Regional Development Australia. The Limestone Coast Local Government Association, with Tourism SA, is also spearheading a marketing plan which we recommend businesses become involved in to boost the visitor economy.
Online, the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse is an excellent way to get your business connected to visitors across Australia.
I'm confused about Millicent's trading hours - could you elaborate?
Of course - you have probably noticed that whilst our IGA supermarket opens on Sunday, our Foodland and Woolworths don't. This is because Millicent keeps regulated shopping hours, with these hours depending on floor space (i.e. whether it is over or under 400 square metres). More information can be found here and here.
The MBCA considers itself neutral in regards to the wishes of the community and the State Government's plans to deregulate shopping hours. However, every year we write to the Treasurer at the request of our larger retailers to open on Sundays in December, with the community allowed to publicly object this initiative. But we find annually, the public and our retailers are happy to have those extra holiday shopping hours.